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Vous êtes ici : Accueil > Maquettes militaires > Hobby Boss 1:35
Référence Hobby Boss 80155 Russian BMD-2 |
Prix : 31,90 € T.T.C
he BMD-2 is an airborne tracked armored IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle designed by the Russian defense Company Arkadyi Shabalin. The first prototype of the BMD-2 was completed in 1985 and was first seen in 1988. Production of vehicles started in 1989. Production of the BMD-2 was undertaken at the Volgograd Tractor Plant. The vehicle has been designed to be airdropped by parachutes thanks to a very light hull and a small combat turret. It has a weight of only 8,225 kg. It is now being supplemented by the more advanced airborne infantry armored vehicle BMD-3.